This bibliography includes academic books and articles pertaining to John Marston’s The Dutch Courtesan, as well as a few key comparative studies and works on subjects of central significance to the play. We additionally include a list of modern editions of the play (from the late nineteenth century to present), as well as select production reviews. This bibliography will be periodically updated.
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Last Updated 5 September 2019
Articles, Chapters, Books
Aughterson, Kate. ‘“As for Mine”: Aphra Behn and Adaptations of Jacobean City Comedies. Restoration and 18th Century Theatre Research 31.2 (2016): 37-64. Language: EN.
-------. ‘“Going the Way of All Flesh”: Masculinity as Vice in The Dutch Courtesan’. Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Biannual Journal of English Renaissance Studies 76 (2009): 21-33. Language: EN.
Austern, Linda. Music in English Children’s Drama of the Later Renaissance. Routledge, 1992. Language: EN.
Baker, Susan. ‘Sex and Marriage in The Dutch Courtesan’. Dorothea Kehler and Susan Baker (eds). In Another Country: Feminist Perspectives on Renaissance Drama. Scarecrow, 1991. 218-32. Language: EN.
Billing, Christian. ‘The Dutch Diaspora in English Comedy: 1598-1618’. Robert Henke and Eric Nicholson. Transnational Exchange in Early Modern Theater. Ashgate, 2008. 119-40. Language: EN.
Binns, J.W. and H. Neville Davies. ‘Christian IV and The Dutch Courtesan’. Theatre Notebook: A Journal of the History and Technique of the British Theatre 44.3 (1990): 118-23. Language: EN.
Blagoev, Blagomir Georgiev. ‘Playwright and Man of God: Religion and Convention in the Comic Plays of John Marston’. PhD thesis. Available through TSpace, University of Toronto. 2011. Language: EN.
Bliss, Lee. The World’s Perspective: John Webster and the Jacobean Drama. Rutgers UP, 1983". Language: EN.
Brown, Richard Danson. ‘“Such ungodly terms”: Style, Taste, Verse Satire, and Epigram in The Dutch Courtesan’. ‘Research Essays’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013. Language: EN.
Burnett, Mark Thornton. ‘Calling “things by their right names”: Troping Prostitution, Politics, and The Dutch Courtesan’. Ed. Gordon McMullan. Renaissance Configurations: Voices/Bodies/Spaces, 1580-1690. St Martin’s Press, 1998. 171-88. Language: EN.
Cathcart, Charles. ‘“The Masque Being Endid” and the Works of John Marston’. Notes and Queries 60.4 (2013): 538-42. Language: EN.
-------. ‘“Passionate man in his slight play”: John Marston’s Prologues and Epilogues’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013. Language: EN.
-------. ‘The Insatiate Countess: Emulation, Appropriation, and Cuckoldry’. Marston, Rivalry, Rapprochement, and Jonson. Routledge, 2008. 59-77. Language: EN.
-------. ‘The Family of Love and John Marston’. Marston, Rivalry, Rapprochement, and Jonson. Routledge, 2008. 79-139. Language: EN.
-------. ‘Lodge, Marston, and The Family of Love’. Notes and Queries 50.1 (2003): 68-70. Language: EN.
Cho, Youngme. ‘Sexuality in the Market, Women’s Honor or Prostitution: John Marston’s The Dutch Courtesan’ [translated title]. Medieval and Early Modern English Studies 20.2 (2012): 239-64. Language: KO.
Copeland, Nancy. ‘“Once a Whore and Ever”? Whore and Virgin in The Rover and its antecedents. Restoration 16.1 (Spring 1992): 20-27. Eds Thomas J. Shoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau. Reprinted in Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800, vol. 135. Gale, 2007. Reprinted in Gale Literature Resource Center. Language: EN.
Cordner, Michael. ‘Mapping The Dutch Courtesan’. ‘Research Essays’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013. Language: EN.
-------. ‘Franceschina’s Voice’. ‘Research Essays’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013.
-------. ‘The Dutch Courtesan, 1964’. ‘Research Essays’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013.
Crane, David. ‘Patterns of Involvement at the Blackfriars Theatre in the Early Seventeenth Century: Some Moments in Marston’s The Dutch Courtesan’. Dieter Mehl, Angela Stock, and Anna-Julia Zwierlein (eds). Plotting Early Modern London. Ashgate, 2004. 97-107. Language: EN.
Cross, Gustav. ‘Marston, Montaigne, and Morality: The Dutch Courtesan Reconsidered’. English Literary History 27.1 (1960): 30-43. Language: EN.
Desens, Marliss C. ‘Marrying Down: Negotiating a More Equal Marriage on the English Renaissance Stage’. Medieval & Renaissance Drama in England 14 (2001): 227-55. Language: EN.
Dorangeon, Simone. ‘“Panders and Whores / Are Citty-Plagues”: Ou, la Prostituée sur la scène jacobéenne’. Imaginaries: Revue du Centre Recherche sur l’imaginaire dans les Littératures de Langue Anglaise 2 (1997): 61-74. Language: FR.
Douglas, Leigh. ‘Modern Productions of The Dutch Courtesan’. ‘Questions and Resources’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013. Language: EN.
Fleck, Andrew. ‘The Custom of Courtesans and John Marston’s The Dutch Courtesan’. American Notes and Queries, A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 21.3 (2008): 11-19. Language: EN.
Geckle, George. ‘Temperance in The Dutch Courtesan’. John Marston’s Drama: Themes, Images, Sources. Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1980. 148-76. Language: EN.
Gossett, Suzanne. ‘Marston, Collaboration, and Eastward Ho!’ Renaissance Drama 33 (2004): 181-200. Reprinted in Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800, vol. 172. Eds Thomas J. Shoenberg and Lawrence J Trudeau. Gale 2004. Reprinted in Gale Literature Resource Center. Language: EN.
Hamilton, Donna. ‘Language and Theme in The Dutch Courtesan’. Renaissance Drama 6 (1972): 75-87. Language: EN.
Hamlin, William M. ‘From an English Montaigne to The Dutch Courtesan’. Montaigne’s English Journey: Reading the Essays in Shakespeare’s Day. Oxford UP, 2013. 105-109 Language: EN.
--------. ‘Common Customers in Marston’s Dutch Courtesan and Florio’s Montaigne’. Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 52.2 (2012): 407-24. Language: EN.
Higgins, Siobhan. ‘Britain’s Bourse: Cultural and Literary Exchanges Between England and the Low Countries in the Early Modern Era (c.1580-1620)’. PhD thesis. Available through CORA, University College Cork, 2017. Language: EN.
Horwich, Richard. ‘Wives, Courtesans, and the Economics of Love in Jacobean City Comedy’. Clifford Davidson, C.J. Gianakaris, and John H. Stroupe (eds). Drama in the Renaissance: Comparative and Critical Essays. AMS, 1986. 255-73. Language: EN.
Howard, Jean. ‘Mastering Difference in The Dutch Courtesan’. Shakespeare Studies 24 (1996): 105-17. Language: EN.
Hughes, Leo and Arthur Scouten. ‘Some Theatrical Adaptations of a Picaresque Tale’. Studies in English (1946): 98-114. Language: EN.
Hunter, Matthew. ‘City Comedy, Public Style’. English Literary Renaissance 46.3 (2016): 401-32. Language: EN.
Ingram, R.W. ‘Th Dutch Curtezan’. John Marston. Twayne Publishers, 1978. 114-25. Language: EN.
Jackson, James L. ‘Sources of the Subplot of Marston’s The Dutch Courtesan’. Philological Quarterly 31 (1952): 223-24. Language: EN.
Jensen, Ejner J. ‘The Changing Faces of Love in English Renaissance Comedy’. Comparative Drama 6 (1972): 294-309. Language: EN.
Jensen, Ejner J. ‘Concupiscence and Comedy: The Dutch Courtesan’. Eds Thomas J. Schoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau. John Marston, Dramatist. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 1979. 87-103. Reprinted in Drama Criticism 37. Reprinted in Gale Learning Center. Language: EN.
Jones, Oliver. ‘The Dutch Courtesan Online’. Shakespeare Bulletin: Journal of Performance Criticism and Scholarship 33.4 (2015): 623-39. Language: EN.
-------. ‘“A death’s head on their middle finger”’. ‘Questions and Resource’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013.
Kahn, Coppélia. ‘Whores and Wives in Jacobean Drama’. Dorothea Kehler and Susan Baker (eds). In Another Country: Feminist Perspectives on Renaissance Drama. Scarecrow, 1991. 246-60. Language: EN.
Kaplan, Joel. ‘John Marston’s Fawn: A Saturnalian Satire’. SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 9.2 (Spring 1969): 335-50. Language: EN.
Kincaid, Patrick. ‘John Marston’s The Dutch Courtesan and William Percy’s The Cuck-Queanes and Cuckolds Errants’. Notes and Queries 48.3 (2001): 309-11. Language: EN.
Kirwan, Peter. ‘Prefacing The Dutch Courtesan’. ‘Research Essays’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013. Language: EN.
Leinwand, Theodore. ‘Wives, Whores, Widows, and Maids’. The City Staged: Jacobean City Comedy, 1603-13. University of Wisconsin Press, 1986. 137-93. Language: EN.
Leonard, Alice. ‘“Enfranchised” Language in Henry V and The Dutch Courtesan’. Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Biannual Journal of English Renaissance Studies 84 (2013): 1-11. Language: EN.
Marsh, Christopher W. The Family of Love in English Society, 1550-1630. Cambridge, 1994. Language: EN.
Montgomery, Marianne. ‘Wife, Whore, and/or Dutchwoman: Shifting Female Roles in The London Prodigal’. Early Modern Literary Studies Special Issue 27 (2017): 1-11. Language: EN.
Munro, Lucy. ‘Age and Ageing in The Dutch Courtesan’. ‘Research Essays’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013" Language: EN.
-------. Children of the Queen’s Revels: A Jacobean Theatre Repertory. Cambridge, 2005. Language: EN.
Nam, Jang Hyun. ‘The Whore of Babylon: Language and Identity in John Marston’s The Dutch Courtesan’. Shakespeare Review 50.3 (2014): 541-62. Language: KO.
O’Connor, John J. ‘The Chief Source of Marston’s Dutch Courtezan’. Studies in Philology 54 (1957): 509-15. Language: EN.
O’Neill, David G. ‘The Influence of Music in the Works of John Marston, III’. Music and Letters 53.4 (1972): 400-410. Language: EN.
--------. ‘The Influence of Music in the Works of John Marston, II’. Music and Letters 53.3 (1972): 293-308. Language: EN.
-------. ‘The Influence of Music in the Works of John Marston, I’. Music and Letters 53.2 (1972): 122-33. Language: EN.
Oldenburg, Scott. ‘The “Jumbled City”: The Dutch Courtesan and Englishmen for my Money’. Alien Albion: Literature and Immigration in Early Modern England. University Toronto P, 2014. 117-137 Language: EN.
-------. ‘Outlandish Love: Marriage and Immigration in City Comedies’. Available through Humanities Commons, 2010. [Early, open access version of ‘The Jumbled City’]. Language: EN.
Ostovich, Helen. ‘Marriage in The Dutch Courtesan’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013. Language: EN.
Pascoe, David. ‘Marston’s Childishness’. Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England 9 (1997): 92-111. Reprinted in Drama Criticism 37 (2010). Eds Thomas J. Shoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau. Gale. Reprinted in Gale Literature Resource Center. Language: EN.
Pegg, Barry Malcolm. ‘Identity, Disguise and Satire in Three Comedies of John Marston’. PhD thesis. Available through UBC Open Collections, University of British Columbia, 1969. Language: EN.
Pollard, Carol W. ‘Immortal Morality: Combinations of Mortality Types in All’s Well That Ends Well and The Dutch Courtesan’. Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Biannual Journal of English Renaissance Studies 25 (1984): 53-59. Language: EN.
Presson, Robert K. ‘Marston’s Dutch Courtezan: The Study of an Attitude in Adaptation’. Journal of English and Germanic Philology 55 (1956): 406-13. Language: EN.
Qualtiere, Louis F, and William W.E. Slights. ‘Contagion and Blame in Early Modern England: The Case of the French Pox’. Literature and Medicine 22.1 (2003): 1-24. Language: EN.
Redling, Ellen. ‘“From the Top of Paul’s Steeple to the Standard in Cheap”: Popular Culture, Urban Space, and Narrativity in Jacobean City Comedy’. Eds Silvia Mergenthal, Reingard M Nischik, Emily Petermann, Melanie Stengele. Anglistentag 2013 Konstan: Proceedings. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier (WVT), 2014. 207-220. Language: EN.
Rhodes, Neil. ‘Marston’s Common Ground’. ‘Research Essays’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013. Language: EN.
Richardson, Catherine. ‘City Comedy and Material Life: Things in The Dutch Courtesan’. ‘Research Essays’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013. EN.
Rose, Mary Beth. ‘Sexual Disguise and Social Mobility in Jacobean City Comedy’. The Expense of Spirit: Love and Sexuality in English Renaissance Drama. Cornell University Press, 1988. 43-92. Language: EN.
Rubright, Marjorie. ‘Going Dutch in London City Comedy: Economies of Sexual and Sacred Exchange in John Marston’s The Dutch Courtesan’. English Literary Renaissance 40.1 (2010): 88-112. Language: EN.
--------. ‘Double Dutch: Approximate Identities in Early Modern English Culture’. PhD thesis. Available through Deep Blue, University of Michigan, 2007. Language: EN.
Salkeld, Duncan. ‘Comedy, Realism and History in The Dutch Courtesan’. ‘Research Essays’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013. Language: EN.
Sanders, Julie. ‘Northern Barbers and Fallen Women: The Dutch Courtesan and the 1604-5 Repertoire’. ‘Research Essays’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013. Language: EN.
Scott, Sarah. ‘Discovering the Sins of the Cellar in The Dutch Courtesan: Turpe est difficiles habere nugas’. Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England: An Annual Gathering of Research, Criticism, and Reviews 26 (2013): 60-74. Language: EN.
Sierhuis, Freya. ‘City Comedy across the Channel: Commerce, Charity, and Carnival in the Comedies of Bredero’. ‘Research Essays’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013. Language: EN.
Slights, William W.E. ‘Unfashioning the Man of Mode: A Comic Countergenre in Marston, Jonson, and Middleton’. Renaissance Drama 15 (1984): 69-91. Language: EN.
Smith, Helen. ‘“Go your ways for an Apostata”: Religion and Inconstancy in The Dutch Courtesan’. ‘Research Essays’. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013. Language: EN.
Soim, Kim. ‘The Dutch Courtesan and the Renaissance Discourse on Prostitution’. Feminist Studies in English Literature 8.2 (2001): 131-54. Language: EN.
Steggle, Matthew. ‘Imagining Marston, or, If Shakespeare Is the Beatles, Marston Is the Kinks’. 'Research Essays'. The Dutch Courtesan. 2013. Language: EN.
Stephenson, Joseph F. ‘England and the Shadow of the Low Countries: Drama and Dutchness from Shakespeare to Dryden’. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of Connecticut, 2007. Language: EN.
Streete, Adrian. ‘“What News from Babylon?”: Marston’s The Dutch Courtesan (1605) and the Spanish Peace. Apocalypse and Anti-Catholicism in Seventeenth-Century English Drama. Cambridge UP. 2017. 59-93 Language: EN.
-------. ‘Samuel Rowland’s Fawnguest and Marston’s The Dutch Courtesan’. Notes and Queries 56. 4 (2009): 615-16. Language: EN.
Sullivan, Garrett A. ‘“All Thinges Come into Commerce”: Women, Household Labor, and the Spaces of Marston’s The Dutch Courtesan’. Renaissance Drama 27 (1996): 19-46. Language: EN.
Swinburne, Algernon. ‘John Marston’. The Nineteenth Century 24.140 (1888): 531-47. Reprinted in Gale Literature Resource Center. Gale, 2019. Language: EN.
Tricomi, Albert H. ‘The Jacobean Problem Play: Sexuality, Surveillance, and the Critique of Culture’. Reading Tudor-Stuart Texts through Cultural Historicism. University Press of Florida, 1996. 103-35. Language: EN.
Wang, Hui-Chuan. ‘Translating Europe: Cultural Imports in The Dutch Courtesan’. Master’s Thesis, 2014. Tamkang Foreign Languages 23 June 2014. 197-220. Language: ZH.
Weber, Harold. ‘The Rake and the Devil: The Rhetoric of Demonic Sexuality in Jacobean Drama’. The Restoration Rake-Hero: Transformations in Sexual Understanding in Seventeenth-Century England. University of Wisconsin Press, 1986. 39-45. Language: EN.
Wells, Susan. ‘Jacobean City Comedy and the Ideology of the City’. ELH: English Literary History 48.1 (1981): 37-60. Language: EN.
Wharton, T.F. (ed.). The Drama of John Marston: Critical Revisions. Cambridge, 2000. Language: EN.
Wolfe, Jessica. ‘Recent Studies in John Marston (1974-2001)’. English Literary Renaissance 34.1 (2004): 125-54. Language: EN.
Woodworth, Christine. ‘Boys in Dresses: The Sexualization of Renaissance Child Actors’. Text and Presentation: The Journal of the Comparative Drama Conference 24 (2003): 49-57. Language: EN.
Yearling, Rebecca. ‘Marston’s Courtesan and Fawn: The Problem of Lust’. Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Biannual Journal of English Renaissance Studies 74 (2008). Language: EN.
Yearling, Elizabeth M. ‘“Mount Tufty Tamburlaine”: Marston and Linguistic Excess’. Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 20.2 (1980): 257-69. Language: EN.
Yamada, Akihiro. ‘Press Variants in John Marston’s The Dutch Courtesan (1605)’. (Faculty of Arts, Shinshu University, 1982), reprinted from Studies in Humanities 21 (1987), 43-6. Language: EN [Translation from JA].
Brereton, J Le Gay (ed.). Elizabethan Drama: Notes and Studies. Sydney Mitchell Library, 1909.
Britland, Karen (ed.). The Dutch Courtesan. Bloomsbury, 2018.
Bullen, A.H. (ed.). The Works of John Marston, 3 vols. Houghton Mifflin, 1887.
Crane, David (ed.). The Dutch Courtesan. Bloomsbury (New Mermaids), 1997.
Davison, Peter (ed.). The Dutch Courtesan. University of California Press, 1968.
Halliwell-Phillips, J.O. (ed.). The Works of John Marston, 3 vols. London, 1856.
Jackson, Macdonald P., and Michael Neill (eds). The Selected Plays of John Marston. Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Marston, John. The Dutch Courtezan [Q]. London, 1605.
-------. The Works of John Marston. William Sheares, London, 1633
Salgãdo, Gãmini (ed.). The Dutch Courtesan. Four Jacobean City Comedies. Penguin, 1975. (DC: 33-108.)
Sturgess, Keith (ed.). The Malcontent and Other Plays. Oxford World’s Classics (OUP), 1997. (DC: 177-240.)
Walley, H.R. and J.H. Wilson (eds). Early Seventeenth Century Plays 1600-1642. 1930.
Wine, M.L. (ed.). The Dutch Courtesan. University of Nebraska Press, 1965.
Wood, H. Harvey (ed.). The Plays of John Marston, 3 vols. Oliver and Boyd, 1934-39. Vol.2. (DC: 69-137.)
Anonymous. ‘The Dutch Courtesan (Theatre Royal, Stratford). The Times (London), ‘Arts and Sports’, Issue 52864 (24 February 1954): 12. Language: EN.
Bate, Jonathan. ‘Review: The Dutch Courtesan’. Edward’s Boys. ‘Reviews and Feedback’. Language: EN.
Duncan-Jones, Katherine. ‘Reversing the Roles: The Dutch Courtesan, The Man in the Moon Theatre, 392 King’s Road, London SW3'. Times Literary Supplement 4534 (23 February 1990): 199. Language: EN.
Kingston, Jeremy. ‘No Point in Disguising an Utter Lack of Charm: The Dutch Courtesan, Orange Tree, Richmond. The Times (London) (23 October 1992): 38. Language: EN.
Kirwan, Peter. ‘The Dutch Courtesan (DTFTV) at The Scenic Stage Theatre, Univerity of York’. The Bardathon (22 June 2013). Language: EN.
Mamujee, Shehzana. ‘Review of Globe Education’s Special Event’. Shakespeare 4.3 (2008): 325-30.Language: EN.
Porter, Peter. ‘Cage of Discontent: The Dutch Courtesan, Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond’. Times Literary Supplement 4675 (6 November 1992): 18. Language: EN.
Smout, Clare. ‘Edward’s Boys: Company Profile’. Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Biannual Journal of English Renaissance Studies 80 (2011): 60-11. Language: EN.
Young, B.A. Financial Times (16 July 1964). Language: EN.